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- Heidbrink, Lauren,
Heidbrink, Lauren, 1975- (Nombre personal)
Migrant youth, transnational families, and the state, c2014: ECIP title page (Lauren Heidbrink)
National Louis University WWW site, Feb. 27, 2014: faculty profiles (Lauren Heidbrink, MA/MS, Ph.D.; assistant prof., social & behavioral sciences; areas of expertise: immigration, childhood & youth, juvenile justice, human rights; Ph.D., anthropology, Johns Hopkins University, 2010)
Wenner-Gren-Foundation WWW site, Feb. 27, 2014: grantees (Heidbrink, Lauren Diane; Lauren D. Heidbrink)
OCLC, March 13, 2014 (access points: Heidbrink, Lauren; Heidbrink, Lauren, 1975- ; usage: Lauren Heidbrink)