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MARC view
- Clausen, Helene Balslev
Clausen, Helene Balslev (Nombre personal)
Used for/see from:
- Balslev Clausen, Helene
The politics, economics, and culture of Mexican-US migration, 2007: eCIP portada (Helene Balslev Clausen) galley (completing her PhD dissertation, Center for the Study of the Americas at Copenhagen Business School; asst. prof., Colegio de Sonora, Mexico)
Revisitar la etnicidad, 2008: portada (Helene Balslev Clausen)
El discurso de instituciones, empresas y viajeros del texto al turismo y del turismo al texto, 2014: ECIP data (b. Dec. 15, 1967)
Utopías y globalización, 2009: portada (Helene Balslev Clausen)